snob meaning urban

Urban Dictionary: urban snobbery.
A somewhat pejorative term for Teach for America. Everyone knows that they will teach for a maximum of two years, continue on to Harvard Law, and p.
A person, male or female, who cannot wear denim priced less than $200 per item . These people also denegrate the character of people who do not wear.
Urban Dictionary: snobby.
snob meaning urban
Urban Dictionary: Intellectual Snob.The way real people actually speak. To be contrasted with Proper English or the even more antiquated Received Standard, the speaking of either of w.
Urban Dictionary: food snob.
snob meaning urban
Urban Dictionary: Job Snob.
Urban Dictionary: sport snob.
Urban Dictionary: mac snob.
Urban Dictionary: snobbery.
One who uses intellect as a hammer to beat on others.
A girl who only shops at Hollister and has all their clothes from there and is snobby, and a slut.
"Dallitude" (somewhat less frequently spelled “Dallatude") is a “Dallas attitude.” It has been described as the display of snobbery and/or elitism.